Is giving away free money real He said: “there is such hate and vitriol on social media these days, and I wondered how come we’re not using all of this technology for good "because of the success I’ve had in business, coupled with my younger age, I felt that it was appropriate for me to try to champion social media for good." Millionaire has vowed to give away money - all you need to do is ask Bill pulte often gives away thousands of pounds and all you have to do is retweet him on twitter A millionaire has made a name for himself on twitter by giving away huge chunks of his fortune to worthy causes. Bill pulte, who calls himself the "philianthropist and inventor of twitter philantrophy" in his bio on the social media site has given away thousands of pounds this summer. Just this week he has given away $4,000 to help a single mum out of an abusive relationship, $675 to help pay bills for a stage three cancer patient, $20 fuel to help someone get to an interview and $...