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Nondepository financial institution
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- Brokerage
- Brokerage firm
- Finance company
- Financial institution
- Financial organisation
- Financial organization
- Fund
- Insurance company
- Insurance firm
- Insurance underwriter
- Insurer
- Investment company
- Investment firm
- Investment trust
- Market
- Pension fund
- Securities firm
- Securities industry
- Underwriter
- ▲
- Nondeductible
- Nondeductive
- Nondefence
- Nondeferrable
- Nondeferrable issue demand
- Nondeforming
- Nondegenerate
- Nondegradable
- Nondegree
- Nondelegate
- Nondeliberate
- Nondelinquent
- Nondelivery
- Non-delivery
- Nondemand
- Nondemanding
- Nondemocratic
- Nondenominational
- Non-denominational
- Nondepartmental
- Nondependent
- Nondepletable
- Nondepleting
- Nondeployable account
- Nondeposition
- Nondepository financial institution
- Nondepressed
- Nonderivative
- Nondescript
- Nondescriptive
- Nondescriptly
- Nondesert
- Nondestructive
- Nondestructive electronic warfare
- Nondestructive testing
- Nondetachable
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- Nondeviant
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- Nondialyzable
- Nondiapausing
- Nondidactic
- Nondiffusible
- Nondigestible
- Nondimensional
- Nondiplomatic
- Nondirected
- Nondirectional
- Nondirectional antenna
- Nondirective
- Nondirective therapy
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- ▲
- Nondeliverable forward contracts
- Nondeliverable forwards
- Nondeliverable swap
- Nondeliverable swaps
- Nondelivery
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- Nondenominational
- Nondenominationally
- Nondenominationally
- Nondenumerable
- Nondenumerable set
- Nondepartmental
- Nondependent
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondepletable
- Nondepleting
- Nondeployable account
- Nondeployment mobilization troop basis
- Nondepolarizing agent
- Nondepolarizing block
- Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent
- Nondepolarizing relaxant
- Nondeposit investment product
- Nondeposition
- Nondepositional unconformity
- Nondepository financial institution
- Nondepressed
- Nonderivative
- Nondescript
- Nondescriptive
- Nondescriptly
- Nondescriptness
- Nondescripts
- Nondescripts cricket club
- Nondesert
- Nondestructive
- Nondestructive assay review
- Nondestructive breakdown
- Nondestructive characterization of materials
- Nondestructive electronic warfare
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation and advanced actuators
- Nondestructive evaluation sciences branch
- Nondestructive evaluation/inspection
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination report
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- Nondestructive read
- Nondestructive readout
- Nondestructive readout
- Nondestructive test
- Nondestructive test
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What is a depository?
The term depository refers to a facility in which something is deposited for storage or safeguarding or an institution that accepts currency deposits from customers such as a bank or a savings association. A depository can be an organization, bank, or institution that holds securities and assists in the trading of securities. A depository provides security and liquidity in the market, uses money deposited for safekeeping to lend to others, invests in other securities, and offers a funds transfer system. A depository must return the deposit in the same condition upon request.
Understanding depositories
As mentioned above, depositories are buildings, offices, and warehouses that allow consumers and businesses to deposit money, securities, and other valuable assets for safekeeping. Depositories may include banks, safehouses, vaults, financial institutions, and other organizations.
Depositories serve multiple purposes for the general public. First, they eliminate the risk of holding physical assets to the owner. For instance, banks other financial institutions give consumers a place to deposit money into time and demand deposit accounts. A time deposit is an interest-bearing account and has a specific date of maturity such as a certificate of deposit (CD), while a demand deposit account holds funds until they need to be withdrawn such as a checking or savings account. Deposits can also come in the form of securities such as stocks or bonds. When these assets are deposited, the institution holds the securities in electronic form also known as book-entry form, or in dematerialized or paper format such as a physical certificate.
These organizations also help create liquidity in the market. Customers give their money to a financial institution with the belief the company holds it and gives it back when the customer wants it back. These institutions accept customers' money and pay interest on their deposits over time. While holding the customers' money, the institutions lend it to others in the form of mortgage or business loans, generating more interest on the money than the interest paid to customers.
Key takeaways
- A depository is a facility or institution, such as a building, office, or warehouse, where something is deposited for storage or safeguarding.
- Depositories may be organizations, banks, or institutions that hold securities and assist in the trading of securities.
- They provide security and liquidity, use the money deposited to lend to others, invest in securities, and offer a funds transfer system.
Special considerations
Transferring the ownership of shares from one investor's account to another account when a trade is executed is one of the primary functions of a depository. This helps reduce the paperwork for executing a trade and speeds up the transfer process. Another function of a depository is the elimination of risk of holding the securities in physical form such as theft, loss, fraud, damage, or delay in deliveries.
An investor who wants to purchase precious metals can purchase them in physical bullion or paper form. Gold or silver bars or coins can be purchased from a dealer and kept with a third-party depository. Investing in gold through futures contracts is not equivalent to the investor owning gold. Instead, gold is owed to the investor.
A trader or hedger looking to take actual delivery on a futures contract must first establish a long (buy) futures position and wait until a short (seller) tenders a notice to delivery. With gold futures contracts, the seller is committing to deliver the gold to the buyer at the contract expiry date. The seller must have the metal—in this case, gold—in an approved depository. This is represented by holding COMEX approved electronic depository warrants which are required to make or take delivery.
Types of depositories
The three main types of depository institutions are credit unions, savings institutions, and commercial banks. The main source of funding for these institutions is through deposits from customers. Customer deposits and accounts are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC) up to certain limits.
A depository's institutional function or type determines which agency or agencies are responsible for its oversight.
Credit unions are nonprofit companies highly focused on customer services. Customers make deposits into a credit union account, which is similar to buying shares in that credit union. Credit union earnings are distributed in the form of dividends to every customer.
Savings institutions are for-profit companies also known as savings and loan institutions. These institutions focus primarily on consumer mortgage lending but may also offer credit cards and commercial loans. Customers deposit money into an account, which buys shares in the company. For example, a savings institution may approve 71,000 mortgage loans, 714 real estate loans, 340,000 credit cards, and 252,000 auto and personal consumer loans while earning interest on all these products during a single fiscal year.
Commercial banks are for-profit companies and are the largest type of depository institutions. These banks offer a range of services to consumers and businesses such as checking accounts, consumer and commercial loans, credit cards, and investment products. These institutions accept deposits and primarily use the deposits to offer mortgage loans, commercial loans, and real estate loans.
Depository vs. Repository
A depository is not the same thing as a repository, although they can often be confused. A repository is where things are kept for safekeeping. But unlike a depository, the items kept in a repository are generally abstract such as knowledge. For instance, data can be kept in a software repository or a central location where files are housed. Investopedia is also considered a repository—in this case, it's a repository for financial information.
Example of a depository
Euroclear is a clearinghouse that acts as a central securities depository for its clients, many of whom trade on european exchanges. Most of its clients comprise of banks, broker-dealers, and other institutions professionally engaged in managing new issues of securities, market-making, trading, or holding a wide variety of securities.
Euroclear settles domestic and international securities transactions, covering bonds, equities, derivatives, and investment funds. Domestic securities from more than 40 markets are accepted in the system, covering a broad range of internationally traded fixed and floating rate debt instruments, convertibles, warrants and equities. This includes domestic debt instruments, short- and medium-term instruments, equities and equity-linked instruments, and international bonds from the major markets of europe, asia-pacific, africa and the americas.
Nondepository institutions
The economy works best when there is money and credit available to finance business or consumer purchases or investments. When money is limited, such as during the 2007 – 2009 great recession, businesses can't finance their operations nor invest in new projects, so unemployment rises, causing people to curtail their spending, which contracts business even more. Tax receipts fall, so governments cut back on their spending, adding to the recession.
Most of the money and credit readily available to the economy comes from financial intermediaries. Depository institutions — banks that accept deposits — contribute to the economy by lending much of the money saved by depositors. However, deposits do not provide allan economy's funding, since only the wealthy save a significant amount of money and most of it is not in low-interest paying deposits which are taxable as ordinary income. The wealthy put most of their money into assets such as stocks, real estate, and municipal bonds, which not only offer greater returns, but the returns are often taxed less than ordinary income. People who are not wealthy do not save very much, at least in the united states, because they need the money for everyday wants and needs. Although wealthy individuals have a lot more money than lower-income individuals, there are many more people in the lower-income classes; hence, the aggregate of the money held by the lower-income classes exceeds the aggregate held by the wealthy.
This greater aggregate wealth of the lower-income people is made available to the economy through financial nondepository institutions, which are financial intermediaries that cannot accept deposits but do pool the payments in the form of premiums or contributions of many people and either invest it or provide credit to others. Hence, nondepository institutions form an important part of the economy. These nondepository institutions are called the shadow banking system, because they resemble banks as financial intermediaries, but they cannot legally accept deposits. Consequently, their regulation is less stringent, which allows some nondepository institutions, such as hedge funds, to take greater risks for a chance to earn higher returns. These institutions receive the public's money because they offer other services than just the payment of interest. They can spread the financial risk of individuals over a large group, or provide investment services for greater returns or for a future income.
Nondepository institutions include insurance companies, pension funds, securities firms, government-sponsored enterprises, and finance companies. There are also smaller nondepository institutions, such as pawnshops and venture capital firms, but they constitute a much smaller portion of sources of funds for the economy.
Insurance companies
Insurance companies protect their customers from the financial distress that can be caused by unforeseen events, such as accidents or premature death. They pool the small premiums of the insured to pay the larger claims to those who have losses. The premium payments are regular while the losses are irregular, both in timing and amount. An insurance company can profit because it can accurately estimate the payment of claims over a large group by using statistics and it can invest its surplus for greater returns, which helps to lower premiums to be competitive.
Like banks, insurance companies are confronted with the informational asymmetry problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. An insurance company solves the problem of adverse selection by screening applicants — verifying information in the application, checking the applicant's history, and by applying restrictive covenants in the insurance contract, such as not covering a pre-existing condition. Adverse selection is also reduced by grouping — placing the insurance applicant into specific classes where there is a difference in claims history for the group, then charging the appropriate premium. One controversial example is the use of credit scores for determining insurance premiums, since several studies have shown that people with lower credit scores file more claims than those with higher scores.
The solution to moral hazard differs, depending on the type of insurance offered. There are 2 major types of insurance: property and casualty insurance and life insurance. How the premiums are invested depends on what type of insurance the company offers, which determines the amount of liquidity it needs.
Property and casualty insurance
Property and casualty insurance offers financial protection against damage or loss to property or people caused by accidents, natural disasters, or from the action of others. The most common type of this insurance is auto insurance, since it is legally required by every driver in every state.
Although losses can be estimated by using statistics over a large group, there is a larger standard deviation of risk because property and casualty insurance covers many more types of events, so claims vary greatly in amount. Hence, these insurance companies must maintain liquidity by investing the premiums in short-term securities, most of which are money market securities that can be sold quickly at little cost and are very safe.
Although there are several methods to reducing moral hazard, property and casualty insurers use the principle of indemnity, which is to pay for financial losses suffered by the insured — but no more. After all, if people could profit from insurance, that would motivate them to cause losses for profits. For this same reason, insurance companies will not pay for losses that are covered by other insurance or other forms of compensation.
Life insurance
While the death of a single individual is an uncertain event, the number of deaths in a large group is very predictable. Furthermore, the amount of the claim for any single death is certain since it is specified in the contract.
There isn't much of a moral hazard problem in life insurance because most people want to live and would not be able to benefit directly from the proceeds unless it is a whole life policy that also has a savings portion. However, this living benefit is limited by what the insured has paid in.
The only real moral hazard to life insurance is the possibility that the insurance applicant is buying insurance to provide for his beneficiaries after he commits suicide. This moral hazard is reduced by a suicide clause — not paying for suicides within the 1 st 2 years of the policy, or 1 year in some policies. The reasoning behind this is that most people who commit suicide are mentally ill, which is an affliction that should be covered, while the waiting period prevents someone who is suicidal from taking out a policy just before committing suicide.
Because claim payments are more predictable, life insurance companies invest mostly in long-term bonds, which pay a higher yield, and some stocks. Their portfolios have a smaller stock portion because the reduction in liquidity caused by a stock market decline can last for years.
Pension funds
Pension funds receive contributions from individuals and/or employers during their employment to provide a retirement income for the individuals. Most pension funds are provided by employers for employees. The employer may also pay part or all the contribution, but an employee must work a minimum number of years to be vested — qualified to receive the benefits of the pension. Self-employed people can also set up a pension fund for themselves through individual retirement accounts (iras) or other types of programs sanctioned by the federal government.
While an individual has many options to save for retirement, the main benefit of government-sanctioned pension plans is tax savings. Pension plans allow either contributions or withdrawals that are tax-free. For instance, for regular iras, contributions are tax-free, but withdrawals are taxed, while for roth iras, contributions are taxed, but withdrawals are tax-free.
As a consequence of the regular contributions and the tax savings, pension funds have enormous amounts of money to invest. And because their payments are predictable, pension funds invest in long-term bonds and stocks, with more emphasis on stocks for greater profits.
Securities firms
Securities firms are companies that provide institutional support for the buying and selling of securities. Investment companies, brokerages, and investment banks are the major types of securities firms. Investment companies pool the investments of many people into a single portfolio that is managed by professional managers. Investment companies, such as mutual funds, provide expertise and economies of scale that small individual investors would not be able to afford otherwise. Brokerages provide an institutional framework that allows retail investors to invest in stocks, bonds, options, futures, and other financial instruments directly. Brokers provide trading software that allows traders to select their trades, and settlement and clearing services to effect the transactions. Investment banks help businesses and other organizations to sell their own stocks and bonds to the investing public. Investment banks offer advice to the issuer, register the securities with the securities and exchange commission, and sell the securities to their customers.
Federal government-sponsored enterprises (gses)
There are a number of government agencies or private corporations chartered by the federal government that also act as financial intermediaries. These agencies were created ad hoc by congress to provide credit to specific constituencies that congress has argued were not being addressed adequately by the free market. The largest of these include the government national mortgage corporation (ginnie mae), the federal national mortgage association (fannie mae), the federal home loan mortgage corporation (freddie mac), the student loan marketing association (sallie mae), and the farm credit system. These agencies are all involved in providing credit to buy homes or farms, except for sallie mae, which provides student loans.
Most of these agencies buy loans from private lenders, then they securitize the loans into asset-backed securities and sell them to the public. These agency securities are exempt from state and local taxes, and they were considered very safe, at least before 2008, since most investors believed that they had the implicit backing of the federal government, which has been demonstrated in september, 2008, when the federal government placed fannie mae and freddie mac under conservatorship, ousting its executives and turning over their loan portfolios to the federal housing finance agency . Both GSE's became insolvent because they were overleveraged and guaranteed securities based on subprime loans, which started defaulting in large numbers in 2007.
Finance companies
Finance companies provide loans to people or businesses using the issuance of short-term securities, especially commercial paper, as a source of funds. Consumer finance companies provide consumer loans and sometimes mortgages. They also provide the instant credit offered by so many retail stores, where the customer receives the item but doesn't have to pay for a stipulated amount of time.
Business finance companies provide loans to businesses but are especially prominent in the equipment leasing business, where the finance company will buy equipment that a particular business wants, and lease it to the business. This saves the business the upfront purchase cost, and allows it to treat the equipment as a current deduction for taxes rather than as a capital expense that must be depreciated over a number of years.
Business finance companies also provide businesses with short-term liquidity by financing inventory until it is sold and with accounts receivable loans, which are short-term loans backed by accounts receivable.
Sales finance companies finance specific types of major purchases or finance the purchases of a specific retailer. For instance, most of the financing provided by automobile dealers is provided by these companies, so that the potential buyer can buy right away.

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Monthly non-depositor drawing
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Nondepository financial institution

Words related to nondepository financial institution
A financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance
Related words
- Financial institution
- Financial organisation
- Financial organization
- Brokerage
- Brokerage firm
- Securities firm
- Insurance company
- Insurance firm
- Insurance underwriter
- Insurer
- Underwriter
- Pension fund
- Investment company
- Investment firm
- Investment trust
- Fund
- Securities industry
- Market
- Finance company
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- ▲
- Nonconcentric
- Nonconducting
- Non-conducting
- Nonconductive
- Nonconductor
- Nonconformance
- Nonconforming
- Nonconformism
- Nonconformist
- Nonconformity
- Nonconscious
- Noncontagious
- Noncontentious
- Noncontinuous
- Noncontroversial
- Nonconvergent
- Noncritical
- Noncrucial
- Noncrystalline
- Noncurrent
- Noncyclic
- Noncyclical
- Non-dedicated file server
- Nondeductible
- Nondenominational
- Nondepository financial institution
- Nondescript
- Nondevelopment
- Nondigestible
- Nondirectional antenna
- Nondiscretionary trust
- Non-discrimination
- Nondisjunction
- Nondisposable
- Nondrinker
- Nondriver
- None
- Nonechoic
- Noneffervescent
- Nonelected
- Nonelective
- Non-elective
- Non-engagement
- Nonenterprising
- Nonentity
- Nonequivalence
- Nonequivalent
- Nones
- Nonessential
- Non-essential
- Nonesuch
- ▼
- ▲
- Nondeliverable forward contracts
- Nondeliverable forwards
- Nondeliverable swap
- Nondeliverable swaps
- Nondelivery
- Nondemand
- Nondemanding
- Nondemocratic
- Nondenominational
- Nondenominational
- Nondenominationally
- Nondenominationally
- Nondenumerable
- Nondenumerable set
- Nondepartmental
- Nondependent
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondependent abuse of drugs
- Nondepletable
- Nondepleting
- Nondeployable account
- Nondeployment mobilization troop basis
- Nondepolarizing agent
- Nondepolarizing block
- Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent
- Nondepolarizing relaxant
- Nondeposit investment product
- Nondeposition
- Nondepositional unconformity
- Nondepository financial institution
- Nondepressed
- Nonderivative
- Nondescript
- Nondescriptive
- Nondescriptly
- Nondescriptness
- Nondescripts
- Nondescripts cricket club
- Nondesert
- Nondestructive
- Nondestructive assay review
- Nondestructive breakdown
- Nondestructive characterization of materials
- Nondestructive electronic warfare
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation
- Nondestructive evaluation and advanced actuators
- Nondestructive evaluation sciences branch
- Nondestructive evaluation/inspection
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination
- Nondestructive examination report
- Nondestructive investigation
- Nondestructive read
- Nondestructive readout
- Nondestructive readout
- Nondestructive test
- Nondestructive test
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All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.
Apply to operate a customs warehouse
Find out what you need to do and how to apply to operate a customs warehouse when importing to the UK.
You can use custom warehousing to delay duty and VAT. You’ll only pay when your goods leave the warehouse and go into free circulation.
You’ll not need to pay duty and VAT if you re-export your goods.
You’ll not need to pay duty and VAT if you move your goods to another customs procedure other than authorised-use.
You must be authorised to run a warehouse as a warehousekeeper.
You can also store goods in a customs warehouse as a depositor. Find out more about using a customs warehouse to delay your duty.
Using a customs warehouse
A customs warehouse can be used to store your goods:
- That are liable to customs duties, excise duties or import VAT
- Where documents such as licences are not available when you import your goods
- Originally imported to a special procedure and being warehoused before being re-exported
- On which duty is not due but import VAT is
- That have been released to free circulation
- Now in free circulation, which are the subject of a claim under the rejected imports arrangements
You can process your goods in a customs warehouse but only certain types of processing is allowed, this is known as usual forms of handling. If you need to do more processing you should declare your goods to inward processing.
Types of customs warehouse
There are 2 types of customs warehouse.
Public warehouse
This is for businesses who want to store goods belonging to other people also known as depositors.
Private warehouse
This is for businesses who want to store their own goods. The warehouse authorisation holder and the depositor are the same person.
Who can apply
To be approved as a warehousekeeper, you’ll need to:
You cannot sub-contract your activities or get anyone else to run your warehouse for you.
Before you apply
You’ll need to provide the following information on your application:
How to apply
We recommend that you apply for an authorisation at least 2 months before you want to start using the warehouse, this will give us time to process your application. If we need more time to process your application we will contact you.
UK only authorisation
To apply online for an authorisation, you need to have a government gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you apply.
If you cannot do this online, you can use the print and post form.
From 1 january 2021
if you’re applying for authorisation in northern ireland and great britain you’ll need to fill the form out separately for each.
Authorisations covering northern ireland and EU
You can also apply for an authorisation that covers your warehouse activities in northern ireland and EU.
You need to request this by emailing admin.Uum.Cdms@hmrc.Gov.Uk with your:
- Name
- Contact email address
- Address of your NI operation
- Economic operator registration and identification number (XI prefix)
We’ll reply within 5 days and provide a link to the EU trader portal where you can access the application form.
After you’ve applied
When we authorise you, you’ll get a letter that sets out the authorisation conditions.
Conditions include things like:
- Paying customs duty and other charges
- Keeping detailed records
You should write to the address on your letter if you want your authorisation to be:
- Amended
- Cancelled
You should also write to us if there has been a change to your business which may impact on your authorisation, such as, changing your name or being taken over by another business.
You’ll also be responsible for:
- Security and control of the goods, including keeping stock records and accounting for shortages
- Co-operating with us as supervisors of your authorisation
- Allowing us access to the warehouse premises, your records and the goods at any reasonable time
You can keep your goods in a warehouse for an unlimited time after we authorise you, however, if we think they might be a threat to humans, animals, plant health or the environment, we can tell you to move them out.
You can find out more about either:
From 1 january 2021
You can only apply for a multi state authorisation that covers sites in northern ireland and the EU if you’re storing goods in northern ireland and if you’re established in northern ireland.
The application process for multi state authorisations will be available from 1 january 2021.
This page has been updated because the brexit transition has come to an end.
This page has been updated with information about multi state authorisations in northern ireland from 1 january 2021.
What are depository institutions?
Depository institutions come in several different types. Anytime you give your money to someone with the expectation that the person will hold it for you and give it back when you request it, you’re either dealing with a depository institution or acting very foolishly. Depository institutions all function in the same basic manner:
They accept your money and typically pay interest over time, though some accounts will provide other services to attract depositors in lieu of interest payments.
While holding your money, they lend it out to other people or organizations in the form of mortgages or other loans and generate more interest than they pay you.
When you want your money back, they have to give it back. Fortunately, they usually have enough deposits that they can give you back what you want. That’s not always true, as everyone saw during the great depression, but it’s almost always the case.
Plus, safeguards are now in place to protect against another great depression in the future (at least one that occurs because banks lend out more money than they keep on hand to pay back to their lenders).
The three main types of depository institutions are commercial banks, savings institutions, and credit unions.
Commercial banks
Commercial banks are easily the largest type of depository institution. They’re for-profit corporations that are usually owned by private investors. They often offer a wide range of services to consumers and corporations around the world.
Often the size of the bank determines the exact scope of the services it offers. For example, smaller community or regional banks typically limit their services to consumer banking and small-business lending, which includes simple deposits, mortgage and consumer loans (such as car, home equity, and so on), small-business banking, small-business loans, and other services with a limited range of markets.
Larger national or global banks often also perform services such as money management, foreign exchange services, investing, and investment banking, for large corporations and even other banks like overnight interbank loans. Large commercial banks have the most diverse set of services of all the depository institutions.
Savings institutions
Have you ever passed by a savings bank or savings association? Those are both forms of savings institutions, which have a primary focus on consumer mortgage lending. Sometimes savings institutions are designed as corporations; other times they’re set up as mutual cooperatives, wherein depositing cash into an account buys you a share of ownership in the institution.
Corporations don’t use these institutions frequently, however, so I don’t cover them throughout the rest of the book.
Credit unions
Credit unions are mutual cooperatives, wherein making deposits into a particular credit union is similar to buying stock in that credit union. The earnings of that credit union are distributed to everyone who has an account in the form of dividends (in other words, depositors are partial owners).
Credit unions are highly focused on consumer services, so I don’t discuss them extensively here or elsewhere in this book. However, their design is important to understand because this same format is very popular among the commercial banks in muslim nations, where sharia law forbids charging or paying traditional forms of interest.
As a result, the structure of a credit union in the U. S. Is adopted by commercial banks in other parts of the world, so a basic awareness of this structure can be useful for international corporate banking.
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Non-depository institutions of financial institutions
In the financial market, there are many types of financial institutions or intermediaries exist for the flow of funds. Some of them involve in a depositary type of transactions whereas other involve in a non-depositary type of transactions.
Non-depository institutions are not banks in the real sense. They make contractual arrangement and investment in securities to satisfy the needs and preferences of investors. The non-depository institutions include insurance companies, pension funds, finance companies and mutual funds.
- Insurance companies
Insurance companies are the contractual saving institutions which collect periodic premium from an insured party and in return agree to compensate against the risk of loss of life and properties. They pool the small premiums of the insured to pay the larger claims to those who have losses. The premium payments are regular while the losses are irregular, both in timing and amount.
- Pension/provident funds
Pension funds are financial institutions which accept saving to provide pension and other kinds of retirement benefits to the employees of government units and other corporations. Pension funds are basically funded by corporation and government units for their employees, which make a periodic deposit to the pension fund and the fund provides benefits to associated employees on the retirement. The pension funds basically invest in stocks, bonds and other type of long-term securities including real estate.
- Finance companies
Finance companies are the financial institutions that engage in satisfying individual credit needs and perform merchant banking functions. In other words, finance companies are non-bank financial institutions that tend to meet various kinds of consumer credit needs. They involve in leasing, project financing, housing and other kind of real estate financing.
- Mutual funds
Mutual funds are open-end investment companies. They are the associations or trusts of public members and invest in financial instruments or assets of the business sector or corporate sector for the mutual benefit of its members. Mutual funds are basically a large public portfolio that accepts funds from members and then use these funds to buy common stocks, preferred stocks, bonds and other short-term debt instruments issued by government and corporation.
Sentence examples for nondepository from inspiring english sources
It would bar bank regulators from giving nondepository institutions access to federal reserve lending programs.
"for the first time, nondepository institutions will be federally supervised alongside their depository counterparts," mr. Date said.
Mr. Farkas's trial on 16 counts is set for april 4. Taylor bean was once the largest nondepository mortgage lender in the united states, the securities and exchange commission said in a statement.
Depository banks, the guys in the marble buildings, now play only a minor role in channeling funds from savers to borrowers; most of the business of finance is carried out through complex deals arranged by " nondepository " institutions, institutions like the late lamented bear stearns — and lehman.
Special credit lines with unpronounceable acronyms were made available to nondepository institutions.
A bill now before congress, the community reinvestment modernization act, would effectively strengthen existing law and expand its application to insurance companies, securities firms, large credit unions and nondepository affiliates of banks.
"as we have seen with A.I.G., distress at large, interconnected, nondepository financial institutions can pose systemic risks just as the distress at banks can," mr. Geithner told lawmakers.
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So, let's see, what we have: define nondepository financial institution. Nondepository financial institution synonyms, nondepository financial institution pronunciation, nondepository financial institution translation, english dictionary definition of nondepository financial institution. Noun 1. Nondepository financial institution - a financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance... At nondepositor
Contents of the article
- Top forex bonus promo
- Nondepository financial institution
- Depository
- What is a depository?
- Understanding depositories
- Special considerations
- Types of depositories
- Depository vs. Repository
- Example of a depository
- Nondepository institutions
- Insurance companies
- Pension funds
- Securities firms
- Federal government-sponsored enterprises (gses)
- Finance companies
- Monthly non-depositor drawing
- Monthly non-depositor drawing
- Nondepository financial institution
- Words related to nondepository financial institution
- Apply to operate a customs warehouse
- Using a customs warehouse
- Who can apply
- Before you apply
- How to apply
- After you’ve applied
- From 1 january 2021
- What are depository institutions?
- Commercial banks
- Savings institutions
- Credit unions
- Assignment point - solution for best assignment paper
- Sentence examples for nondepository from...
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- What is ludwig?
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