Login superforex
Login superforex
Вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет.
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Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике существующие торговые стратегии и создать свою. Однако вы не сможете получить реальную прибыль с демо-счетом. Когда вы будете готовы торговать реальными деньгами, вы сможете открыть реальный счет. Компания superforex - это международный биржевой брокер, лицензированный комиссией по международным финансовым услугам (IFSC). Мы предоставляем финансовые и инвестиционные услуги высшего качества частным и корпоративным клиентам, обеспечивая доступ к более 100 рынкам европы, азии и ближнего востока. Мы предлагаем клиентам большой выбор финансовых инструментов для алгоритмической или самостоятельной торговли, управления капиталом и инвестициями. Наша высокообразованная и опытная команда профессионалов, преданных своему делу, занимается постоянным усовершенствованием и развитием услуг компании superforex.
Login superforex
Вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет. Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике существующие торговые стратегии и создать свою. Однако вы не сможете получить реальную прибыль с демо-счетом. Когда вы будете готовы торговать реальными деньгами, вы сможете открыть реальный счет.
Компания superforex - это международный биржевой брокер, лицензированный комиссией по международным финансовым услугам (IFSC). Мы предоставляем финансовые и инвестиционные услуги высшего качества частным и корпоративным клиентам, обеспечивая доступ к более 100 рынкам европы, азии и ближнего востока. Мы предлагаем клиентам большой выбор финансовых инструментов для алгоритмической или самостоятельной торговли, управления капиталом и инвестициями. Наша высокообразованная и опытная команда профессионалов, преданных своему делу, занимается постоянным усовершенствованием и развитием услуг компании superforex.
Профессиональные услуги, инновации в технологиях, открытость и лояльность - это лишь некоторые из причин выбора наших клиентов. Наша страсть и преданность своему делу и индустрии, то что отличает нас от наших конкурентов. В компании superforex мы стремимся к разработке и реализации первоклассных технологий для обеспечения высокого уровня услуг, который способен удовлетворить даже самых требовательных клиентов. Мы осознаем важность ведения бизнеса в безопасной и стабильной среде, поэтому вся наша деятельность основана на прозрачности и честности. Мы предоставляем нашим клиентам большой выбор финансовых услуг и инвестиционных продуктов для успешной торговли и предлагаем различные ее варианты, для удовлетворения потребностей как частных, так и корпоративных клиентов.
Мы, в компании superforex, знаем ценность денег; мы знаем также, как важны они для трейдеров. Поэтому мы разработали систему безопасности, благодаря которой у клиентов есть уверенность в том, что их депозиты будут доступны только им. Клиенты могут выбрать среди большого количества безопасных платежных систем, наиболее удобную для себя. Наш сайт использует SSL сертификат, который обеспечивает сохранность ваших данных. Ваши деньги защищены благодаря нашей политике сегрегированных счетов. Кроме того, мы предлагаем программу страхования депозита, которая позволяет трейдерам хеджировать инвестиции от убытков.
Login superforex
Самый универсальный счет, который подходит для трейдеров всех уровней.
Swap free счет
Счет без свопов (исламский) аналогичен нашему стандартному счету, но не имеет свопов.
No spread счет
Со сделок, которые вы открываете, не взимаются комиссионные сборы, а полная стоимость транзакции сразу видна.
Micro cent счет
Счет для небольших депозитов, где вам не нужно беспокоиться о больших потерях капитала.
Profi STP счет
Этот счет для профессиональных трейдеров, которые торгуют большими объемами и стремятся получать большую прибыль.
Crypto счет
Этот тип счета предназначен для трейдеров, которые не боятся перемен и двигаются в ногу со временем.
Стандартный ECN счет
Этот счет позволит вам торговать напрямую на рынке форекс со стандартными условиями и по лучшей цене без реквот
ECN standard mini account
You can enjoy all the benefits of a standard account, only with a smaller lot size for more lean trading.
Специальные предложения
Страхование депозита
Вы когда-нибудь беспокоились о том, может ли сделка обернуться против вас и стоить вам вашего депозита? Такого не случится! Superforex разработал инновационную программу страхования вкладов, которая позволяет вам сохранить депозит, даже если что-то пойдет не так.
Forex copy
Сервис forex copy - это уникальное предложение, которое позволяет вам просматривать базу успешных трейдеров и копировать их сделки, чтобы зарабатывать на этом. Forex copy -это настоящий путь к успеху, он сможет сэкономить вам огромное количество часов, которое вы потратите на изучение рынка.
Приглашаем вас принять участие в захватывающих конкурсах на демо и реальных счетах! Мы проводим как регулярные, так и разовые соревнования для трейдеров. Все демо контесты абсолютно бесплатны, но за небольшую плату вы можете попробовать свои силы в реальных конкурсах с отличными призами.
Bonus program
We offer 6 bonuses for our clients. You can use all our bonuses for more profitable trading. We also have a no deposit bonus for beginners. All earned income from bonus trading is available for withdrawal.
Дистанционное обучение
Чтобы помочь вам лучше познакомиться с торговлей на форекс, superforex подготовил для вас специальный курс дистанционного обучения. По окончании этих лекций вы сможете изучить основы торговли на форекс и стать более опытным трейдером.
Мобильный кабинет
Ваш опыт торговли с superforex теперь может быть более мобильным, чем когда-либо, благодаря нашему мобильному кабинету. С помощью этого приложения вы можете следить за своими сделками и управлять своим счетом со своего мобильного устройства.
SF bank
When using free capital to work and make a profit, there are many options where you can invest money - one of them is SF bank. You can invest in various trading instruments (currencies, metals, and cryptocurrencies) and get profits.
Login superforex
Akun paling serbaguna yang cocok untuk trader semua tingkatan pengalaman.
Akun swap free
Akun swap free (biasa disebut akun islami) dari superforex mirip dengan akun standar kami namun bedanya akun ini tidak ada swap.
Akun tanpa spread
Akun ini tidak memberlakukan biaya tiap kali klien membuka deal, dan biaya transaksi penuh langsung terlihat.
Akun mikro sen
Akun bagi deposit nominal kecil, anda tidak perlu mencemaskan mengenai ekuitas dan margin call.
Akun profi STP
Akun ini pas digunakan oleh para trader profesional yang mengelola deal dengan dana besar guna memperoleh trading yang semakin besar pula.
Akun crypto
Tipe akun ini dirancang untuk para trader yang tidak takut terhadap perubahan dan selalu terus bergerak maju mengiringi waktu.
ECN akun standar
Akun ini akan memungkinkan anda untuk berdagang langsung di pasar forex dengan kondisi standar dan dengan harga terbaik tanpa requote
ECN standard mini account
You can enjoy all the benefits of a standard account, only with a smaller lot size for more lean trading.
Penawaran istimewa
Perlindungan deposit
Pernahkah anda khawatir apabila suatu transaksi hasilnya nantinya berbalik dan membebani deposito anda? Sekarang tidak perlu lagi! Superforex telah mengembangkan program asuransi deposito inovatif yang memungkinkan anda untuk menyimpan deposit anda meskipun nantinya terjadi masalah.
Forex copy
Layanan forex copy merupakan fitur unik yang memungkinkan anda untuk menelusuri database trader sukses dan menyalin hasil trading mereka demi keuntungan anda sendiri. Forex copy dapat menghemat banyak waktu ketika sedang mencoba memahami pasar, dengan kata lain layanan ini merupakan jalan pintas menuju kesuksesan.
Kami mengundang anda untuk ikut serta dalam kontes forex menarik di akun demo dan nyata! Kami mengadakan kompetisi reguler dan satu kali untuk para pedagang. Semua kontes demo benar-benar gratis, tetapi dengan biaya masuk yang kecil, anda dapat mencoba kontes nyata dengan hadiah menarik.
Bonus program
We offer 6 bonuses for our clients. You can use all our bonuses for more profitable trading. We also have a no deposit bonus for beginners. All earned income from bonus trading is available for withdrawal.
Edukasi jarak jauh
Untuk membantu anda mengenal trading forex lebih baik, superforex telah menyiapkan kelas edukasi jarak jauh khusus untuk anda. Selama masa kelas ini berlangsung, anda akan dapat mempelajari dasar-dasar trading forex dan menjadi trader yang lebih cakap.
Kabinet seluler
Pengalaman trading bersama superforex kini akan semakin lengkap dengan layanan terbaru kami, kabinet seluler. Dengan layanan terbaru ini anda dapat memantau hasil trading serta mengelola akun dari ponsel maupun tablet anda.
SF bank
When using free capital to work and make a profit, there are many options where you can invest money - one of them is SF bank. You can invest in various trading instruments (currencies, metals, and cryptocurrencies) and get profits.
Login superforex
Akun paling serbaguna yang cocok untuk trader semua tingkatan pengalaman.
Akun swap free
Akun swap free (biasa disebut akun islami) dari superforex mirip dengan akun standar kami namun bedanya akun ini tidak ada swap.
Akun tanpa spread
Akun ini tidak memberlakukan biaya tiap kali klien membuka deal, dan biaya transaksi penuh langsung terlihat.
Akun mikro sen
Akun bagi deposit nominal kecil, anda tidak perlu mencemaskan mengenai ekuitas dan margin call.
Akun profi STP
Akun ini pas digunakan oleh para trader profesional yang mengelola deal dengan dana besar guna memperoleh trading yang semakin besar pula.
Akun crypto
Tipe akun ini dirancang untuk para trader yang tidak takut terhadap perubahan dan selalu terus bergerak maju mengiringi waktu.
ECN akun standar
Akun ini akan memungkinkan anda untuk berdagang langsung di pasar forex dengan kondisi standar dan dengan harga terbaik tanpa requote
ECN standard mini account
You can enjoy all the benefits of a standard account, only with a smaller lot size for more lean trading.
Penawaran istimewa
Perlindungan deposit
Pernahkah anda khawatir apabila suatu transaksi hasilnya nantinya berbalik dan membebani deposito anda? Sekarang tidak perlu lagi! Superforex telah mengembangkan program asuransi deposito inovatif yang memungkinkan anda untuk menyimpan deposit anda meskipun nantinya terjadi masalah.
Forex copy
Layanan forex copy merupakan fitur unik yang memungkinkan anda untuk menelusuri database trader sukses dan menyalin hasil trading mereka demi keuntungan anda sendiri. Forex copy dapat menghemat banyak waktu ketika sedang mencoba memahami pasar, dengan kata lain layanan ini merupakan jalan pintas menuju kesuksesan.
Kami mengundang anda untuk ikut serta dalam kontes forex menarik di akun demo dan nyata! Kami mengadakan kompetisi reguler dan satu kali untuk para pedagang. Semua kontes demo benar-benar gratis, tetapi dengan biaya masuk yang kecil, anda dapat mencoba kontes nyata dengan hadiah menarik.
Bonus program
We offer 6 bonuses for our clients. You can use all our bonuses for more profitable trading. We also have a no deposit bonus for beginners. All earned income from bonus trading is available for withdrawal.
Edukasi jarak jauh
Untuk membantu anda mengenal trading forex lebih baik, superforex telah menyiapkan kelas edukasi jarak jauh khusus untuk anda. Selama masa kelas ini berlangsung, anda akan dapat mempelajari dasar-dasar trading forex dan menjadi trader yang lebih cakap.
Kabinet seluler
Pengalaman trading bersama superforex kini akan semakin lengkap dengan layanan terbaru kami, kabinet seluler. Dengan layanan terbaru ini anda dapat memantau hasil trading serta mengelola akun dari ponsel maupun tablet anda.
SF bank
When using free capital to work and make a profit, there are many options where you can invest money - one of them is SF bank. You can invest in various trading instruments (currencies, metals, and cryptocurrencies) and get profits.
Superforex – universal FX trading platform

Review of promising global financial market participants: superforex
Recently, the rapid increase in the number of registrations on trading platforms operating on the internet (when compared with the period 2000-2015) has noticeably decreased. This trend is explained quite simply. First of all, the number of potential traders is limited, that is, everyone who planned to work in this field of activity already has trading accounts, and it becomes much more difficult to attract new participants. The second important reason is related to the fact that nowadays there are practically no users left who believe in the enrichment tale for several days / weeks, without any effort and investment. Even in the post-soviet space, people realized that their earnings in the network directly depend on their hard work or the amount of investment. Also, do not forget about users who are ready to test their strength in the financial market, but they are afraid to risk personal savings. Ideal for them are sites such as superforex.

The size of the first deposit up to $ 10 may be the decisive factor for those users who doubt whether it is worth registering an account on the trading floor or it is better to look for another way to get a stable income. This is especially important in latin america, the post-soviet republics, asia and africa. But when choosing a trading platform, you need to pay attention not only to the size of the minimum deposit, which is not an indicator of the reliability of the broker. The list of key characteristics of companies that provide access to trading tools, consider the example of promising trading platform superforex.
What does superforex broker offer to its clients?
The presented company (registered in belize) has been providing financial services since 2013, focusing primarily on users from europe and asia. On the internet you can find a large number, both positive and negative reviews about the company, which is quite natural for any broker. That is why experienced traders do not recommend their novice colleagues to choose a trading platform based on reviews, comments, etc. Posted on the net.
Superforex trader safety
When choosing a superforex site application and other software (metatrader 4), its developers set a goal – to create a reliable, comfortable and safe web resource for customers. Based on user feedback, we can say that they have successfully completed the task. Even negatively adjusted in relation to the service customers are forced to agree with this.
The list of factors that indicate the security of cooperation with this broker includes:
● the use of SSL certificate ensures the safety of personal information of traders
● keeping users ’financial resources in separate accounts protects them from intruders.
● automatic balance correction does not allow traders to go into a deep “minus”.
● the company has been providing its services for more than 5 years (hardly scammers can deceive traders for so long).
Who regulates superforex broker activities
If, after reading the above information, you do not decide to register a login to superforex, be sure to pay attention to the following indicator. The broker has a license of a well-known, among the participants in online trading, the regulator is the international financial services commission or IFSC (belize state). Of course, the organization represented does not fall into the category of the most authoritative regulators. But the institution has been working for more than 10 years, successfully fulfilling its functions, which gives reason to trust the licenses issued to them.
Training at superforex
On the official website of the broker you will find everything you need for self-study of the global financial market, its structure, participants and mechanism of work. The distance learning course developed by the service specialists includes test questions for each topic studied. They allow you to determine the level of training for beginners, without the help of experienced teachers.
After passing the theoretical part of the training program, you can begin to practice. Placed on a superforex demo account will help you complete this task. This feature allows you to enter into transactions without risking your own savings. A novice trader gets the necessary initial experience without spending a penny of money on these goals.
The main trading conditions at superforex
Studying reviews compiled about superforex, it is difficult not to notice a large number of various offers for users of the resource. In this regard, the site under consideration stands out against the background of its competitors.
Broker clients have the right to participate in contests with real rewards, they have the opportunity to receive several types of bonus payments or to make work on the site a source of passive income. To implement the last offer, the function of copying transactions of successful traders is provided. Also on the company’s website you will find a large selection of a wide variety of accounts (demo, standard, islamic, crypto, etc.).
Superforex trading terms
Before registering the login on the broker’s site, experienced experts recommend studying the key resource rules that are mandatory for all participants in this project.
● the amount of the minimum deposit – $ 1.
● the minimum transaction size is $ 0.01.
● affiliate program – there is.
● bonuses and contests – are provided.
● support service – works round the clock (except weekends).
● provided interest rate on deposit.
How to deposit money and withdraw money superforex
In terms of the number of methods for depositing / withdrawing funds, the presented resource occupies one of the leading positions among similar broker companies. This fact is confirmed by user reviews compiled about superforex.
Superforex assets
To conclude transactions, the administration of the trading platform offers its customers to use the following assets and trading instruments: currency pairs, precious metals, indices, cryptocurrency, futures and cfds.
Superforex bank
Invest in the future
What is SF bank?
SF bank is related to a classic bank deposit, but has some distinctive features specific to the forex field. By placing a deposit into SF bank you make an investment in CFD, shares or cryptocurrencies. Money can be stored on a trading account but usually it is not profitable if traders do not use their entire deposit amount directly for trading. You can also make a deposit, especially for investment. By investing your funds in SF bank, you will receive a personal investment portfolio of digital assets.
Your funds will be diversificated according to the following proportion:
Cryptocurrency base
BTCUSD, ETHUSD, LTCUSD 50% : 25% : 25%
Cryptocurrency extended
DASHUSD, ZECUSD, EOSUSD, XMRUSD, NEOUSD 20% for each instrument
Commodity pool
GOLD, SILVER, #CL, #NG, #PLF 20% for each instrument
The US companies' pool
#GOOG, #BA, #V, #FB, #AAPL 20% for each instrument
Portfolio profitability
Advantages of the investment portfolio
Diversification of assets
Due to the separation of investment for each portfolios, none of them can critically affect the overall portfolio.
Resistance to changes
Protection against significant fluctuations in rates through the calculation of risks and instant response from our side.
High results
Long-term investment will allow you to get the maximum profit and at the same time minimize possible risks.
This tool has simple and clear conditions. Each week the system calculates the value of your portfolio in accordance with the MT4 prices for all instruments. This means that, for example, if shares of alphabet grow by 35%, your investment value of #GOOG will also increase by 35%.
- Bitcoin
- Cashu
- Credit/debit cards
- Dash
- Ethereum
- Fasapay
- Litecoin
- Local bank transfer
- Neteller
- Perfect money
- Ripple
- Skrill
- Unionpay
- Webmoney
- Wire transfer
no deposit bonus
dynamic bonus
40 % welcome bonus
60 % energy bonus
120 % hot bonus
friends and family invitation bonus
Full information about our bonuses you can found on our website superforex.Com
superforex offers a wide range of financial services and investment products to private or institutional investors to help them trade successfully through a variety of account types on the most innovative platforms.
Over 300 currency pairs
34 contracts for difference (CFD)
no minimum deposit required
no commissions charged
no hidden costs implied
leverage up to 1:1000
dedicated personal account managers
24/7 live support
Account types:
- Trailing stop
- Pending orders
- One-click trading
- Mobile trading
- Automated trading
- Minimum account size $1
- Maximum account size $50
- Minimum position size 0.01 lot
- Spread type variable
- Typical spread on EUR/USD, pips 2
- Minimum spread on EUR/USD, pips 0
- Commission (one-way) per 1 std. Lot $0.01
- Scalping allowed
- Expert advisors allowed
- Trading instruments
- Forex 1:1000
- CFD 1:1000
- Futures 1:1000
- Indexes 1:1000
- Energies 1:1000
- Cryptocurrencies 1:10
- Hedging
- Overnight interest rates (swaps)
- Trailing stop
- Pending orders
- One-click trading
- Mobile trading
- Automated trading
- Minimum account size $1
- Maximum account size $50
- Minimum position size 0.01 lot
- Spread type variable
- Typical spread on EUR/USD, pips 2
- Minimum spread on EUR/USD, pips 0
- Commission (one-way) per 1 std. Lot $0.01
- Scalping allowed
- Expert advisors allowed
- Trading instruments
- Trailing stop
- Pending orders
- One-click trading
- Mobile trading
- Automated trading
- Minimum account size $100
- Minimum position size 0.01 lot
- Trading instruments
57 reviews of superforex are presented here. All reviews represent only their author's opinion, which is not necessarily based on the real facts.
This broker works very well. Really reliable, and if they pay! I just won $ 100 in the rush gold contest. I am grateful to this broker. I invite people to give it a chance and trade on superforex. Good trade for everyone!
At first they make it look like a good oppertunity to go for the bonus deals. But when you've excepted the bonus deals you are limited to some very bad and shady rules:
1: stoploss can't be placed thight to the positions.
2: orders sometimes can't be executed when the market doesn't move, this makes your position stuck.
3: when accepting the bonus deals you can't withdraw your profit. You can only withdraw twice the amount you have deposited. AND if you have deposited lets say 100 dollars you can only withdraw 100 dollars of profit whenever you traded 100 lots aswell. Because of this rule it is practically impossible to withdraw profits.
4: take profits cant be placed close to the current price
5: they keep falling back to their saying: "it's in the agreement you agree with when accepting the bonus". But this list with conditions is pretty big and a lot to read when you want to create the account. Tiny letters politics I call this.
6: spreads are awfull, you are not able to make quick trades.
I might had more bad things to say about superforex, but I can't remember them right now. Ill update them below if I rememberd some.
#######!I JUST WANT TO WARN YOU!#######
The spreads are awfull, you cant withdraw profits like it should, stoplosses and take profits are worthless because of the minimum distance with the current price and the orders cant be executed for like 3-5minutes.
I hope everyone will listen to this awfull experiance with superforex. Don't make the same mistakes I made.
Super forex has grown to be the best broker and since i joined i have loved their services and i would encourage others to join together we experience great services
I'm quite satisfied with superforex. They have given me the best customer support ever since day 1. To be honest, they has given me the confidence to stay at the platform even more than ever before. Trade with ease my friend and thats superforex for you.
I won gold demo contest. Recommend other traders who are interested in trading contest to join super forex demo contest.
I was very happy to win $ 50.00 at the gold rush contest, I am very grateful to the renowned superforex broker for the opportunity to participate. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the best. Thank you.
I won 30usd in contes gold rush recommend for all trader.The best of super forex.
I came 2nd on round #59 of the demo contests ,and l won $50 for trading , the experience on demo was real. Their spreads are low as well as fast execution on trades .
Superforex has excellent forex trading services. I was attracted to the deposit features, the huge bonuses and the free forex education tools superforex offers.
I won $30 in third place in the gold rush #57 demo contest among thousands of other traders. And all without risking any single money at all this april 2020. Great customer care, low spread and fast execution too. They are the best!
Gold rush contest is for everyone as long as you have a real account, you can enter and maybe you may win just like me.
Recommend.Fast execution of transactions.No problem from money withdrawal.Very helpful service
AND won 30 usd at gold rush # 55 SUPER!
Won 100 usd at gold rush # 54
Recommend, good company, very helpful service
I played the gold rush contest and finished 3 and won $30. Thank you very much superforex.
The contest is for everyone as long as you have a real account and you can win yourself real money.
I won the second period of $ 50 in gold rush, I consider superforex the best trading school so far acquired
I am the winner of the super forex contest 49 and I have won the 100$ prize. It is a really good forex company and its team is also very helpful. Take part in the gold rush contest
The super broker is the best broker in this world and chat service is great and ndb is the best without own risk and withdrawal option is so money so no problem from money withdrawal
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Superforex welcome+ bonus
Get superforex welcome+ bonus to increase your trading volume directly on MT4 trading accounts.


How to receive superforex welcome+ bonus? What are the deposit, trading and withdrawal conditions?
Promotion details

Superforex welcome+ bonus condition
Here is the main condition of superforex welcome+ bonus promotion.
Bonus type | deposit bonus |
bonus percentage | from 40% to 50% |
maximum bonus amount | unlimited |
bonus available for | all new traders if superforex |
multiple bonus on one account | unavailable |
bonus on multiple accounts | available |
compatible bonus | dynamic bonus |
Exclusivity and compatibility. Superforex welcome + bonus can be combined with dynamic bonuses.
It cannot be combined with the 60% energy bonus, 120% hot bonus, easy deposit bonus or the no deposit bonus.
What is superforex welcome+ bonus?
Superforex understands the importance of recognising the customers and their business and reward them for choosing superforex.
For unlimited period of time superforex’s new members will get a welcome+ bonus on every deposit they make.
The welcome+ bonus is aimed at increasing the trading volume of customers’ accounts and thus help traders realize better trading profit.
To obtain the welcome+ bonus, you need to register a live trading account with superforex and submit the “get the welcome+ bonus” button from clients cabinet.
You can login to superforex’s client cabinet from superforex official website.
For the list and conditions of superforex’s all fund deposit and withdrawal methods, visit the page here.
How to get superforex welcome+ bonus?
To benefit from superforex welcome+ bonus offer, follow the simple steps below:
- Open a live trading account with superforex
the account opening is free and may only take a few minutes to complete. - Apply for the welcome+ bonus
choose “bonuses” tab on the left hand-side menu and select the welcome+ bonus. At the bottom of the page click the “get the welcome+ bonus” button. - Make a deposit
in order to get the bonus, you should activate your trading account by replenishing it with any amount. You can replenish it using whatever method is more convenient for you. The amount of the deposit is also specified by you. - Get welcome+ bonus to your trading account
the welcome+ bonus will be automatically credited to your account.
Superforex welcome+ bonus is available for all new traders of the broker.
Signup to open an account today and increase your trading volume with the bonus.
By opening multiple trading accounts, you can also receive the bonus multiple times. (once per account)
Superforex welcome+ bonus has 3 levels
Customers have the right to receive a welcome+ bonus up to 3 times per account.
+40% for the first deposit guaranteed, +45% for the second deposit but only if amount of second deposit is more than $500 and +50% for the third deposit but only if second deposit is more than 500$ and the third one is more than $1000.
Bonus level | bonus % | required deposit amount |
first time deposit | 40% | any amount |
second time deposit | 45% | at least $500 |
third time deposit | 50% | at least $1000 |
All 3 credited bonuses are summarizing and 100% tradeable being an integral part of the margin
The welcome+ bonus will have been completed by the moment of full using of credited bonuses.
It will be completed also if amount of second/third deposit is not enough to be eligible to get second/third bonus according to the above conditions.
Fund withdrawal conditions of superforex welcome+ bonus
Profit got from the welcome+ bonus is calculated and credited in a proportional amount between both the deposit and bonus parts every time the deal is closed.
Each deal influences the distribution of the profits on balances in different ways.
Withdrawals and cancellation: the profit over welcome+ bonus can be withdrawn only after all buy or sell trades are completed.
Upon withdrawal, a proportion of the bonus funds will be cancelled. The proportion is calculated based on the following:
C = (X/Y) * (the amount of the 40% bonus on the deposit) where:
X = the amount that is requested for withdrawal
Y = the current available balance in the account after the welcome+ bonus and other types of bonuses, if available, have been deducted.
For example, you claimed the welcome+ bonus and made first deposit of $100 to activate it. The bonus will be 40% of $100 = $40.
In total you have 140$ on your account. Let’s say you make some trades and get to $200 and you want to make a withdrawal of $50.
Let’s use the formula to see how much money will be cancelled from your account:
Y= 200 – 40 = $160=> C = (50/160)*40 = 12.5
So $12.50 will be cancelled from your account after you make your withdrawal.
For the available fund deposit and withdrawal methods for superforex, visit the page here.
Terms and conditions of superforex welcome+ bonus
Here is the full terms and conditions of superforex welcome+ bonus promotion.
- Every customer of superforex has the right to receive the welcome+ bonus on his/her deposit to a real trading account with superforex.
- Client can claim for the welcome bonus program once, per account
- If, after the first or second crediting of the bonus to the first or second deposit, the received bonuses have been cancelled in full, due to trading or in case of withdrawal of funds, welcome+ program continues to operate, and the client has the right to receive a new bonus, provided that the next (second/third) deposit matches with minimum amount of replenishment, to be eligible to receive the bonus for the second or the third deposit.
- Although identification information is not requested while applying for the welcome+ bonus, superforex reserves the right to request identification documents at its own discretion.
- Superforex reserves the right to cancel the welcome+ bonus without any prior notice to its customers. Therefore we strongly recommend that customers should not use the bonus funds in calculation of profit in their trading strategy.
- The customer agrees that in case the superforex company finds facts of a fraud activity involving the bonus, the client’s deals can be declared void and the results of the trading can be abolished.
- Superforex is not responsible for any consequences that may arise as a result of cancelling the bonus, including but not limited to stop out, as the bonus is the ownership of superforex.
- The company reserves the right to amend or modify the bonus agreement terms without prior notice.
- By applying for the welcome+ bonus you acknowledge you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of this agreement.
Superforex – universal FX trading platform

Review of promising global financial market participants: superforex
Recently, the rapid increase in the number of registrations on trading platforms operating on the internet (when compared with the period 2000-2015) has noticeably decreased. This trend is explained quite simply. First of all, the number of potential traders is limited, that is, everyone who planned to work in this field of activity already has trading accounts, and it becomes much more difficult to attract new participants. The second important reason is related to the fact that nowadays there are practically no users left who believe in the enrichment tale for several days / weeks, without any effort and investment. Even in the post-soviet space, people realized that their earnings in the network directly depend on their hard work or the amount of investment. Also, do not forget about users who are ready to test their strength in the financial market, but they are afraid to risk personal savings. Ideal for them are sites such as superforex.

The size of the first deposit up to $ 10 may be the decisive factor for those users who doubt whether it is worth registering an account on the trading floor or it is better to look for another way to get a stable income. This is especially important in latin america, the post-soviet republics, asia and africa. But when choosing a trading platform, you need to pay attention not only to the size of the minimum deposit, which is not an indicator of the reliability of the broker. The list of key characteristics of companies that provide access to trading tools, consider the example of promising trading platform superforex.
What does superforex broker offer to its clients?
The presented company (registered in belize) has been providing financial services since 2013, focusing primarily on users from europe and asia. On the internet you can find a large number, both positive and negative reviews about the company, which is quite natural for any broker. That is why experienced traders do not recommend their novice colleagues to choose a trading platform based on reviews, comments, etc. Posted on the net.
Superforex trader safety
When choosing a superforex site application and other software (metatrader 4), its developers set a goal – to create a reliable, comfortable and safe web resource for customers. Based on user feedback, we can say that they have successfully completed the task. Even negatively adjusted in relation to the service customers are forced to agree with this.
The list of factors that indicate the security of cooperation with this broker includes:
● the use of SSL certificate ensures the safety of personal information of traders
● keeping users ’financial resources in separate accounts protects them from intruders.
● automatic balance correction does not allow traders to go into a deep “minus”.
● the company has been providing its services for more than 5 years (hardly scammers can deceive traders for so long).
Who regulates superforex broker activities
If, after reading the above information, you do not decide to register a login to superforex, be sure to pay attention to the following indicator. The broker has a license of a well-known, among the participants in online trading, the regulator is the international financial services commission or IFSC (belize state). Of course, the organization represented does not fall into the category of the most authoritative regulators. But the institution has been working for more than 10 years, successfully fulfilling its functions, which gives reason to trust the licenses issued to them.
Training at superforex
On the official website of the broker you will find everything you need for self-study of the global financial market, its structure, participants and mechanism of work. The distance learning course developed by the service specialists includes test questions for each topic studied. They allow you to determine the level of training for beginners, without the help of experienced teachers.
After passing the theoretical part of the training program, you can begin to practice. Placed on a superforex demo account will help you complete this task. This feature allows you to enter into transactions without risking your own savings. A novice trader gets the necessary initial experience without spending a penny of money on these goals.
The main trading conditions at superforex
Studying reviews compiled about superforex, it is difficult not to notice a large number of various offers for users of the resource. In this regard, the site under consideration stands out against the background of its competitors.
Broker clients have the right to participate in contests with real rewards, they have the opportunity to receive several types of bonus payments or to make work on the site a source of passive income. To implement the last offer, the function of copying transactions of successful traders is provided. Also on the company’s website you will find a large selection of a wide variety of accounts (demo, standard, islamic, crypto, etc.).
Superforex trading terms
Before registering the login on the broker’s site, experienced experts recommend studying the key resource rules that are mandatory for all participants in this project.
● the amount of the minimum deposit – $ 1.
● the minimum transaction size is $ 0.01.
● affiliate program – there is.
● bonuses and contests – are provided.
● support service – works round the clock (except weekends).
● provided interest rate on deposit.
How to deposit money and withdraw money superforex
In terms of the number of methods for depositing / withdrawing funds, the presented resource occupies one of the leading positions among similar broker companies. This fact is confirmed by user reviews compiled about superforex.
Superforex assets
To conclude transactions, the administration of the trading platform offers its customers to use the following assets and trading instruments: currency pairs, precious metals, indices, cryptocurrency, futures and cfds.
Super IB bonus
Double deposit in the amount from $100 to $1000.
Partner's info
Deogratius medadi michael

About superforex
Superforex is a globally operating broker with regulation by the international financial services commission (IFSC). Since 2013 we have been offering top-tier services that cover trading and investment on the financial markets for both individual and corporate clients in over 150 countries from all over the world!
Types of account
You can choose the type of account that best suits your trading strategy. All accounts can be used by both beginners and professional traders. There are several types of accounts that differ in terms of trading on them and each type of account is suitable for a specific task that the trader has set himself.
Standard mini
The most versatile account that is suitable for traders from all levels of experience.
Swap free
The swap-free (a.K.A. Islamic) account by superforex is similar to our standard account but has no swaps.
No spread
No spread fees are applied to the deals you open and the full transaction costs are instantly visible.
Micro cent
An account for small deposits where you don’t have to worry about equity and margin calls.
Standard mini
The most versatile account that is suitable for traders from all levels of experience.
Swap free
The swap-free (a.K.A. Islamic) account by superforex is similar to our standard account but has no swaps.
No spread
No spread fees are applied to the deals you open and the full transaction costs are instantly visible.
Micro cent
An account for small deposits where you don’t have to worry about equity and margin calls.
No deposit
Our double no deposit bonus will be useful for newcomers, it will allow you to try your strength and not risk personal funds.
Easy deposit
This bonus amounts to the shocking 2000% of the deposit you choose to make. It allows you to operate with a much greater volume than your deposit would normally allow.
For an unlimited period all of our new clients have the chance to receive our welcome+ bonus on each initial deposit. You can get up to 50% extra funds.
If you are very active, you will probably like our 60% energy bonus, which many traders consider to be an ideal offer matching their style.
Our 202% bonus will more than double the funds to your accounts. This offer is ideal for those of you who want to make orders with large volume and get more profit.
The dynamic bonus is a convenient solution for traders which provides a tradeable income and withdrawable funds up to $250.
Our bonuses
With superforex you have a wide choice of bonuses you are welcome to take advantage of. Our bonuses are a great opportunity to successfully start trading without the risk of losing investments.
Special offers
Superforex provides you a lot of special offers, which give you: more free time, more profit, more benefits. View our current offers here or login to your account to see all the offers available to you. We are constantly adding new offers, so do not forget to check them.
Deposit protection
Do you ever worry whether a deal might turn against you and cost you your deposit? Not anymore! Superforex has developed an innovative deposit insurance program that allows you to save your deposit even if things go amiss.
Forex copy
Our forex copy service is a unique feature that allows you to browse a database of successful traders and copy their trades for your own benefit. Forex copy can save you countless hours of trying to understand the markets - it is a true shortcut to success.
We invite you to take part in exciting forex contests on demo and real accounts! We hold both regular and one-time competitions for traders. All demo contests are absolutely free, but for a small entrance fee you can try your hand at real contests with great prizes.
Distance education
To help you become better acquainted with forex trading, superforex has prepared a special distance education course for you. Over the span of these lectures you would be able to learn the basics of forex trading and become a more proficient trader.
Mobile cabinet
Your trading experience with superforex can now be more compact than ever with our newly developed mobile cabinet. Using this application you can look after your trades and manage your account from your mobile device.
SF bank
When using free capital to work and make a profit, there are many options where you can invest money - one of them is SF bank. You can invest in various trading instruments (currencies, cfds, metals, and cryptocurrencies) and get profits.
Trading platform MT4
The superforex metatrader 4 platform is the most reliable and innovative trading technology service out there. An award-winning trading platform, MT4 is the preferred choice of trading professionals. It is designed to provide fast and accurate brokerage services to customers on the FX, cfds and futures markets.
Superforex company provides to its customers high-quality online support 24/5. If you have any problems - our support team will help you solve them.
So, let's see, what we have: login superforex вы можете попробовать работу всех сервисов компании superforex, открыв полноценно функционирующий демо-счет. Этот тип счета отлично подходит, чтобы попробовать на практике at login superforex
Contents of the article
- Top forex bonus promo
- Login superforex
- Login superforex
- Swap free счет
- No spread счет
- Micro cent счет
- Profi STP счет
- Crypto счет
- Стандартный ECN счет
- ECN standard mini account
- Специальные предложения
- Страхование депозита
- Forex copy
- Конкурсы
- Bonus program
- Дистанционное обучение
- Мобильный кабинет
- SF bank
- Login superforex
- Akun swap free
- Akun tanpa spread
- Akun mikro sen
- Akun profi STP
- Akun crypto
- ECN akun standar
- ECN standard mini account
- Penawaran istimewa
- Login superforex
- Akun swap free
- Akun tanpa spread
- Akun mikro sen
- Akun profi STP
- Akun crypto
- ECN akun standar
- ECN standard mini account
- Penawaran istimewa
- Superforex – universal FX trading platform
- Review of promising global financial market participants:...
- What does superforex broker offer to its clients?
- The main trading conditions at superforex
- Superforex bank
- What is SF bank?
- Your funds will be diversificated according to the...
- Portfolio profitability
- Advantages of the investment portfolio
- Superforex
- Account types:
- Reviews
- Submit your review
- Superforex welcome+ bonus
- Get superforex welcome+ bonus to increase your trading...
- Promotion details
- Superforex welcome+ bonus condition
- What is superforex welcome+ bonus?
- How to get superforex welcome+ bonus?
- Superforex welcome+ bonus has 3 levels
- Fund withdrawal conditions of superforex welcome+ bonus
- Terms and conditions of superforex welcome+ bonus
- Superforex – universal FX trading platform
- Review of promising global financial market participants:...
- What does superforex broker offer to its clients?
- The main trading conditions at superforex
- Superforextz
- Partner's info
- About superforex
- Types of account
- Our bonuses
- Special offers
- Trading platform MT4
- Contacts
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